Laptop screen displaying username and password fields for a password manager.

Why You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2024

In 2024, thinking that a password manager is only for high-profile people is a major misconception. Many believe they’re off the radar for hackers because they aren’t celebrities or public figures. This belief is not only outdated but also risky.

In this post you will see why you absolutely need a Password Manager in 2024 and why everyone, regardless of their profile, should be using one.

The Surge of Automated Attacks

Gone are the days of hackers personally targeting specific individuals. Today, most cyberattacks are carried out by automated bots that scour the internet for vulnerabilities. These bots don’t care if you’re a big shot or just an everyday user—they’re programmed to hunt for easy targets, often preying on those with weak or recycled passwords.

Automated attacks exploit any security flaws they find. If your passwords are simple or used across multiple sites, you’re at risk. These bots operate around the clock, probing countless accounts to uncover and exploit weak security measures.

Why Everyday Accounts Are at Risk

You might think that being an average user means you’re less likely to be targeted, but that’s a dangerous assumption. Many cybercriminals target regular accounts because they’re seen as easier prey. Weak or repeated passwords make it a breeze for these automated systems to gain access.

Just one weak password can compromise multiple accounts, especially if you use the same password for different sites. This makes your accounts extremely vulnerable. It’s not about being famous—it’s about avoiding easy pickings for attackers.

The “I Have Nothing to Hide” Myth

The idea that “I have nothing to hide” is no longer a valid defense. You don’t need to have something to hide to be a target. Automated bots are constantly scanning for any vulnerability, and weak passwords are an easy entry point. Protecting yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s essential for safeguarding your personal and family’s information and your devices.

Imagine the hassle and embarrassment of having someone post inappropriate content on your social media or dealing with the fallout of a hacked account. By using a password manager, you can prevent such scenarios and avoid the shame of saying, “I was hacked.”

A strong password should be at least 16 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers. The longer the password, the better. Thankfully, you don’t need to memorize each one—just remember your password manager app’s master password.

The Power of a Password Manager

This is where a password manager becomes a game-changer. A password manager helps you generate and store strong, unique passwords for every site you use. Think of it as your digital vault that securely keeps all your passwords safe, so you only need to remember one master password.

How Password Managers Help:

  • Generate Complex Passwords: Create passwords that are tough for bots to crack.
  • Store Passwords Securely: Keep all your passwords encrypted in one place.
  • Autofill Passwords: Make logging into sites smooth and secure.

Why Not to Store Passwords in Chrome

Storing your passwords in Chrome might seem convenient, but it’s far from ideal. Chrome’s password manager is limited to just managing passwords for websites and isn’t as secure or versatile as dedicated password managers. Here’s why you should avoid relying solely on Chrome’s built-in solution:

  • Limited Scope: Chrome only works on websites. A dedicated password manager works across browsers and apps, offering a comprehensive solution for managing your credentials everywhere.
  • Security Risks: Chrome’s password storage isn’t as secure as dedicated password managers, which offer advanced encryption and additional security features.
  • Autofill Convenience: With a proper password manager, you don’t need to open the app to copy your password. They can autofill your credentials on both Android and iOS, making it hassle-free.
  • Cross-Platform Access: Many modern password managers offer apps for every platform—Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS—so you can access your passwords wherever you are.

Look for a password manager with end-to-end encryption to ensure your data is protected from start to finish.

Extra Features of Modern Password Managers

Modern password managers offer a lot more than just password storage. Here’s what else they can do:

  • Store Wi-Fi Passwords: Save your Wi-Fi passwords and generate QR codes for easy sharing with guests. Just let them scan the code instead of saying the password out loud.
  • Fill Personal Information: Store your address and other personal details to avoid filling them out repeatedly on shopping sites.
  • Save Credit Card Info: Keep your credit card information secure and auto-fill it during online transactions.
  • Manage Personal Notes and Photos: Store important notes or photos safely within your password manager.
  • Built-in 2FA: Many password managers come with built-in two-factor authentication (2FA), so you don’t need a separate app for extra security. Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) whenever possible is highly recommended.
  • Store Key Access: Some password managers can store key access credentials, a new trend for secure logins, though not all sites support this yet.
  • Generate Email Aliases: Create email aliases to keep your primary email address private and secure.

Using a password manager doesn’t just make managing your passwords easier—it also adds layers of convenience and security to your digital life.

Peace of Mind

The peace of mind that comes with knowing your accounts are secure is priceless. With a password manager, you can rest easy knowing your passwords are shielded from relentless bots and potential breaches. It’s a proactive step towards securing your online presence.

Top Password Managers in 2024

Here are some of the best password managers currently on the market:

  • [[1Password]]: Known for its user-friendly interface and strong security features.
  • [[LastPass]]: Offers a robust free plan and excellent cross-device synchronization.
  • Dashlane: Features a simple setup and additional tools like dark web monitoring.
  • Bitwarden: An open-source option with solid security and affordability.
  • Keeper: Provides advanced security features and a clean, intuitive design.
  • [[ProtonPass]]: Offers strong encryption and integration with Proton’s suite of privacy tools.


Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start using a password manager today to protect yourself from automated attacks and ensure your accounts are secure. The “I’m not a target” argument doesn’t hold up anymore in today’s digital landscape. Secure your accounts with a password manager and enjoy the confidence of enhanced online security.